In addition to special and temporary projects, Santa Cruz City Arts includes several ongoing programs!
SeaWalls Santa Cruz
SeaWalls Santa Cruz
SeaWalls Mural Map in the Banner
Mural Matching Grant Program
Mural Matching Grant Program
This program is open to applicants seeking to place a mural on private property. It started as a way to help commercial property owners deal with graffiti. Today, the newly expanded program is open to all applicants that meet the criteria outlined in the program, based on funding request level.
Since 2008, the City of Santa Cruz has proudly presented sculpTOUR- a rotating collection of sculptures throughout downtown. The City has enjoyed marching penguins, rocky dogs, and an assortment of kinetic and interactive works.
Graphic Traffic
Graphic Traffic
Since 2001 the City of Santa Cruz has been commissioning art to adorn some of the 43 signal boxes at traffic intersections operated by the City. Visitors and residents have enjoyed paintings of the Santa Cruz boardwalk, marine animals, robots, happy pets and much more!
Rail Trail Art Opportunities Plan
Rail Trail Art Opportunities Plan
On June 13, 2018 the Santa Cruz Arts Commission unanimously approved the Rail Trail Art Opportunity Master Plan.
This play lays out ideas art along the 3.7 miles of Rail Trail that is within the City of Santa Cruz. At this time the 2.1 mile segment between Natural Bridges Drive and Pacific Avenue (Santa Cruz Wharf) is fully funded and portions have already been constructed. Additional funds are being sought to extend the Trail into the County and beyond.
SCRAP - Santa Cruz Recycled Art Program
SCRAP - Santa Cruz Recycled Art Program
The Santa Cruz Recycled Art Program (SCRAP) supports local artists by providing access to reclaimed and recycled materials and equipment while encouraging the community to think about consumption practices through onsite tours, videos and other interactive methods.
City Arts is proud to support a variety of local arts initiatives through partnerships and sponsorships.
First Friday
First Friday
First Friday is an independent event designed to support a strong cultural environment through the promotion of Artists.
Dance Week
Dance Week
Every year, the third week of April we celebrate the joy of dance and the strength of our community through an unforgettable week of free performances, open classes and community events!
Ebb & Flow River Arts Festival (Previous Partnership)
Ebb & Flow River Arts Festival (Previous Partnership)
Through Ebb & Flow, together with artists, activists, neighbors, and strangers we’ve built relationships and energized the use of the river and the Tannery campus.