Beach Flats Mural
Painting has commenced on the Beach Flats mural and the project is on schedule! You can check out the progress on the (volunteer-run) Beach Flats Mural website! Neighbors of all ages and abilities are invited to help paint. See the schedule on the website for what days and times work best and sign up for a shift!
The themes for the Beach Flats mural were developed through three neighborhood meetings, a story-collecting event, images and information about the prior two murals and a broad range of historical research – including many historical photos.
A huge range of images are included in this 190-foot-long mural, including but not limited to, the following: Grandmothers/grandfathers; children reading; maiz (corn); nopales (xactus); sunflowers; beans & squash; the San Lorenzo River; fishing in the river; sea & river critters; Ohlone & red abalone; tule reeds; the Calendario Azteca; monarch butterflies and a depiction of the annual neighborhood posada dinner.
Also included are images that reflect the Chinese history in the area including a depiction of a 4-year-old William Ow.The Ow family has been tremendous supporters of the arts in Santa Cruz – so using them as models seems especially fitting. Pictured below is George Ow standing next to the drawing of his son.
See the Beach Flats Mural 2016 for updates and additional photos.