
Coastal Rail Trail Art Opportunities Being Identified

City Arts and the Arts Commissions held a workshop on August 11, 2016 to gather input and ideas from local artists and those interested in the Rail Trail to identify opportunities and themes for public art along the trail. A first draft of the Arts Opportunity Master Plan will be unveiled at the the Open Streets event on October 9 and this will also be an opportunity for the broader public to weigh in.

At this time, about 16 +/- opportunity sites have identified and will be further explored in the Arts Opportunity Master Plan. As funding allows, one or more calls for proposals will follow – asking artists to respond with more concrete and detailed proposals. The final Public Art Opportunity Master Plan will be approved by the Arts Commission and will provide guidance and a vision in order to go after grant funds – or secure other sources of funding.

The City of Santa Cruz is planning for many types of art along the 3.7 miles section of trail that is within the City, though at this time, only the 2.1 mile segment between Natural Bridges Drive and Pacific Avenue (Santa Cruz Wharf) is fully funded and anticipated to be built in 2018. Grants are being sought for an additional 1.6 miles to connect between the Boardwalk to 17th Avenue - in coordination with the County of Santa Cruz.

Beach Flats Mural - On schedule and moving fast!

Artists have started "SCRAP-ing" at the City landfill