The Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail will be 50-mile bicycle and pedestrian pathway along the coast of Santa Cruz County, from the San Mateo County line in the north to the Monterey County line at Pajaro. The City of Santa Cruz is constructing the first segment – a 3 mile path that will connect Natural Bridges to the Harbor in Santa Cruz. The first phase of the Rail Trail in Santa Cruz, proposed for construction in 2018 by the City of Santa Cruz Public Works Department and will span from Natural Bridges through the Circles neighborhood to the Wharf Roundabout.
Planning for public art along the trail is a project of Santa Cruz City Arts and the Arts Commission and will result in a “Public Art Opportunities Master Plan.” Once this plan is complete, staff will seek grants and other funds for installing public art along the trail. Local artists will have a unique opportunity to propose projects using the Public Art Opportunities Master Plan as a guide. Below are a few photos from the "Westside Trailmixer" event, held to gather input on the public art plan and spread the good news about the Rail Trail.
Arts Commissioner, Bennett Williamson, gets Rail Trail art ideas from a young booth visitor at the “Westside Trailmixer” event to gather neighborhood feedback:
Booth visitors at the “Westside Trailmixer” make short poems for possible inclusion in stamped concrete as part of the Rail Trail construction - followed by a photo of something similar in Portland, Oregon
More poems in the making!
The draft Arts Opportunity Master Plan is almost complete and will be open for public comment soon. Stay tuned!