
SCRAP art at R. Blitzer Gallery - December, 2016

“Synergy” is a word used a lot in Santa Cruz – and it is truly fitting for the City’s latest art program. “It was a win-win-win!” reports City Arts Manager, Beth Tobey. The Santa Cruz Recycled Art Program - "SCRAP" - gave seven artists prized access to the City’s Resource Recovery Facility to glean materials such as recycled wood, metal, and other odds and ends to create works of art. Artists also received memberships to Idea Idea Fab Labs – a local maker’s space with a huge array of tools and equipment, culminating in a final show presented in the distinguished R. Blitzer Gallery.

Work ranged from a conceptual installation by Tra Bouscaren - featuring recycled Styrofoam, neon, resin and projected video of footage taken at the dump - to the rustic wood and metal creations of Janet Silverglate. Lelsie Morgan's work is all about water – with her soft white plaster backgrounds juxtaposed to humorous and sarcastic titles. Lauren Ringleman created works with topographic maps of Santa Cruz County cut into the background and Tauna Coulson was attracted to delicate and decorative metals affixed to wood - laser cut with scrolling designs. Video artist Dustin Raphael took recycling data provided by the program and translated into biomorphic designs that danced across three computer monitors.

Plans for next year’s SCRAP program are in the works. If you are interested in applying, sign up for the City Art’s artist opportunities e-news list here or contact City Arts Manger Beth Tobey at 831-420-5154.

Check out just a few of the photos below and then make sure your visit the R. Blitzer gallery during the month of December to see the show! The gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from noon to 5:00pm at 2801 Mission St. Extension Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Check the website for further details at

Art makes a unique and memorable gift!

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Santa Cruz Recycled Art Program (SCRAP) Meshes Arts & Business

In Depth: Jeff Larkey, Route 1 Farms