Registering your business name involves a process known as registering a Fictitious Business Name, also known as a “Doing Business As (DBA)” name or trade name. This process shouldn’t be confused with incorporation and it doesn’t provide trademark protection. Registering your DBA name is simply the process of letting the state government know that you are doing business as a name other than your personal name or the legal name of your partnership or corporation. You will file your Fictitious Business Name through the Santa Cruz County Clerk's Office for $40. You also have the option of paying another fee to have your Fictitious Business Name published in a local newspaper. Click here for more information about the process.
If you are operating under your own name, then you can skip this process.
It might be a good idea to apply for Trademark Protection as well. A trademark protects words, names, symbols, and logos that distinguish goods and services. Your name is one of your most valuable business assets, so it’s worth protecting. You can file for a trademark online for less than $300. Learn how to trademark your business name.